Aparna V. Kaliappan assists clients with the technical and analytical aspects of software project failure and intellectual property matters.
Programming Languages & Databases
Python, C, C++, SQL, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Scheme, Lisp, MIPS Assembly, VHDL, Oracle SQL Developer, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, among others
Operating Systems & Servers
Windows, Linux
Frameworks & Data Analysis Tools
AngularJS, MariaDB, OpenGL, Checkstyle, JArchitect, PMD, SonarQube, Understand, Rational RequisitePro, Rational ClearQuest, D3.js, Bootstrap, Wolfram Mathematica, Git, GitHub, Wireshark, SourceTree, Eclipse IDE, Visual Studio, QueryStorm
Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate
Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate
Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA): Database Fundamentals
Aparna is a graduate of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County’s Computer Science Master’s Program. She immersed herself in numerous projects that required a deep understanding of intricate programming concepts as well as thorough research. Her notable data analytics projects include a pilot study for quantitative data visualization in compartmented force-directed graphs using calibrated columns, an analysis of the k-mismatch problem in online and offline settings, and an evaluation of proposed hardware architecture improvements for network packet rule matching. She has also done research regarding copyright, piracy, and digital rights management in the music industry.
At DisputeSoft, Aparna assists in drafting expert, rebuttal, and investigative reports by reviewing disputed source code, databases, and computer systems, writing object-driven scripts and SQL queries, and conducting data analyses regarding source code quality and architecture. She also has experience with performing source code comparison, running static code analyses using tools such as Checkstyle, JArchitect, PMD, SonarQube, and Understand, querying data from database systems such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle, and analyzing operating system source code. Her thorough understanding of object-oriented computer concepts and relational databases allows her to effectively assist clients in the technical and analytical aspects of software related matters.
For example, Aparna supports software project failure cases by performing various analyses on project data from different stages of the software development life cycle, including analysis of requirements decomposition and traceability using sampling methods, programmatic analysis of design documents affected by design issues, source code traces, analysis of code quality metrics, querying of defect open and close rates, and identification of compliance with quality assurance documentation. She supports data analytics aspects of cases by writing complex SQL queries to extract and analyze relevant data from multiple data sources, tables, and databases.
Representative Experience
State Government Agency v. Software Development Company
Nature of Suit: Software project failure matter regarding an unemployment insurance compensation system
Role: Consulting expert
- Aparna compiled extracted source code to perform static code analyses and prepared a database SQL query for analyzing defect close dates
- Aparna analyzed requirements decomposition and traceability using sampling, and programmatically analyzed design documents for those affected by design issues
- Aparna analyzed quality assurance documentation and database tables for compliance to procedures described in deliverables
Pre-Litigation Copyright Investigation
Nature of Suit: Pre-litigation copyright infringement matter regarding semiconductor chips for robot vacuum cleaners
Role: Consulting expert
- Aparna used reverse engineering software to attempt to extract firmware from a circuit board by searching for on-chip debugging ports
- Aparna adjusted wiring to run scans using different pin combinations and analyzed target device binary codes
- Aparna performed comparisons of firmware source code for different chip models to identify examples of literal and non-literal similarities in the code
Healthcare Company v. Software Development Company
Nature of Suit: Trade secret misappropriation matter regarding healthcare data and technology products
Role: Consulting expert
- Aparna wrote and executed SQL queries on database tables to locate data at issue
- Aparna reviewed deposition testimonies, exhibits, architecture diagrams, and technical documentation
M.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore County
B.S., summa cum laude, University of Maryland, Baltimore County