DisputeSoft was retained as an internet forensics and online defamation expert in October 2011 by defendant Hellenic Marble in connection with NTP Marble, Inc. t/a Colonial Marble & Granite (“Colonial Marble”) v. AAA Hellenic Marble, Inc. et al. in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Case No. 2:09-cv-05783-LAS.
NTP Marble alleged that Hellenic Marble had posted malicious reviews of NTP on the Internet. The reviews had been posted by a lower-level employee of Hellenic sometimes from public computers in libraries or cafes and sometimes from Hellenic company computers. The case centered on whether the employee did so entirely on his own or within the scope of his employment. DisputeSoft consulted with counsel on correlating the originating locations and timestamps to sort out who had actually entered the negative reviews.